There’s a Hole in My Life

I woke up one morning to find a hole in my life.  Couldn’t see it. Couldn’t stick my hand in it.  Just this gnawing awareness that something was missing in me. Then there were all the ways I tried to cover-up this hole in my life: from exercise to therapy.  Why I even tried avoidance,ContinueContinue reading “There’s a Hole in My Life”

The Future of Music

“Would you like to listen to this week’s album, compiled from your own thoughts, emotions, and experiences?” Digital Transformation(DX) is radically changing our wold right before our eyes.  From the way we work to what we eat, DX is a powerful disruptor, reshaping our lives and pushing old societal norms out. Here is a storyContinueContinue reading “The Future of Music”

To accept or to push – what is the limit?

“If I return to Europe I’ll be bored sick straight away,” she said. “Here I am fighting for a revolution, for freedom, equality. I can die and know that I’ve lived.” Kimberley Taylor, foot soldier for YPJ, Northern Syria I am, a big believer of using challenges to engage my will power.  But as IContinueContinue reading “To accept or to push – what is the limit?”

What does the “quality of character” mean to you?

We turn our heads when we see things that are uncomfortable to us – someone berating a child, someone committing a violent act against another person or property – we simply look the other way. On a national level, we seem to unflinchingly ignore the serious characters flaws in our political candidates…whom we elect anyways.ContinueContinue reading “What does the “quality of character” mean to you?”

An Article on Authoritarianism

I have four questions listed below.  Take this very brief quiz. Please tell me which one you think is more important for a child to have: independence or respect for elders? Please tell me which one you think is more important for a child to have: obedience or self-reliance? Please tell me which one youContinueContinue reading “An Article on Authoritarianism”