When was the Last Time You Held a Book?

Books honor the human condition. They keep our traditions alive, awaken our imagination and put our little ones to sleep.

The Three Modes of Material Nature

As preposterous as the world may seem at times, what’s truly important is how we feel about ourselves and the lives we live.  Everything else is just our actions and reactions to that world and circumstances. I thought about this after reading chapter 14 of the Bhagavad Gita (The Forces of Evolution). In the chapterContinueContinue reading “The Three Modes of Material Nature”

Yoga vs. the Board of Education

I believe the more we come together to discuss what troubles us, in a civil manner, the better for all. But when we make decisions based on “beliefs”, versus real personal experience/knowledge or a viable eminent threat, we tread down a rabbit hole…quickly.

To be my own mentor

Can I be my own mentor?  Can I reflect back to myself all of the honest assessments of what I say and do in the world?  Can I catch myself when I fall?  Can I listen, without prejudice, to myself in those moments that are most painful and dark?  Can I create a new pathwayContinueContinue reading “To be my own mentor”

Can we find our way without knowing our Mythology?

One of the intentions of the Wisdom Path Project – a work in progress podcast –  is to bring back the stories and myths that for centuries kept our communal space alive and well. We grew up being held by the values and lessons of those who came before us. For example, we lived inContinueContinue reading “Can we find our way without knowing our Mythology?”

Reflections on Loneliness: the epidemic

This is a topic I am very familiar with.  Starting as a child, loneliness was a constant companion for me.  As an adult, I’ve had loneliness be present – a reminder of what I experience when I shut down (isolate). When my partner participated in experiential learning opportunities (on two separate occasions) that had herContinueContinue reading “Reflections on Loneliness: the epidemic”

The Wisdom Path Podcast – Launching soon!

    With much anticipation, we have begun recording creatives and storytellers for the Wisdom Path Podcast. With a heavy duty schedule of recording happening now, soon we will be releasing inspired stories of creativity from people in the world of literature, fine arts and life. Please look for updates at http://www.facebook.com/wisdompathpodcast/ or on InstagramContinueContinue reading “The Wisdom Path Podcast – Launching soon!”