Tweeting: A Cry in the Dark?

There was a time when a man was called out for his beliefs through the art of debate. There was a moral imperative that called for action – standing behind what you say and a willingness to hear other in response. But times have changed. We (US) face a self-inflicted moral deficit while hiding behindContinueContinue reading “Tweeting: A Cry in the Dark?”

Can We Change Our Beliefs?

Have you ever believed something – really deeply believed – only to find that in reality, what you believed in simply wasn’t true or relevant. Or came to find that that belief no longer served you.   We are born into constructs (aka beliefs) through our family, friends, and community. As children, we are filledContinueContinue reading “Can We Change Our Beliefs?”

Yoga vs. the Board of Education

I believe the more we come together to discuss what troubles us, in a civil manner, the better for all. But when we make decisions based on “beliefs”, versus real personal experience/knowledge or a viable eminent threat, we tread down a rabbit hole…quickly.


    Nate came through the revolving door at the airport, saw me and ran straight into our hug.  His first visit back to New Mexico since his move east one year ago.  Seeing how much he’d grown and matured, I just let myself feel the pride, love and happiness circulating within me at thatContinueContinue reading “Fatherhood”

Mentoring – building the super mentor

A quick glance through the internet and you’ll see countless programs focused on youth mentoring programs.   Inc. magazine regularly covers stories on mentoring in the workplace and why it’s important to their overall culture. So much demand for mentoring, yet very little in reference to “building mentors”.   Why it this? Being a mentor is aContinueContinue reading “Mentoring – building the super mentor”


Other refers to everyone else.  This includes  – family, friends, neighbors, business colleagues and clients – anyone outside of you and your Connecting with other takes work, will and intention. In business, its paramount for sustainability. In life, critical to our base need for interaction and connection. When we think of other we open.  WeContinueContinue reading ““Other””

Taking Action – planning and coaching

What stop’s you from moving forward? This was the question posed to me by life coach Angela Watson Robertson recently in a phone call. A great question for me to ponder as I ponder my directions for the new year. Getting stuck or experiencing inertia, happens to all of us from time to time. HereContinueContinue reading “Taking Action – planning and coaching”

The Wisdom Path

Almost there. My co-producer, Marcus Acoya, and I just finished the audio portion of a video track that will be used as part of our Kick starter funding page.  Why Kick starter?  We are trying to build the Wisdom Path podcast series (a brief on the podcast will be posted at the end of thisContinueContinue reading “The Wisdom Path”